

Species of Acer Native or Naturalized in Indiana
Acer negundo
Norway Maple
Acer platanoides
Black Maple
Acer nigrum
Red Maple
Acer rubrum
Silver Maple
Acer saccharinum
Sugar Maple
Acer saccharum

Genus Acer L. — Maple Trees


Acer: Latin name for “maple tree.”




Acer is a genus of trees in the family Sapindaceae.

Distribution of Genus Acer
Taxonomic Level Worldwide North America Midwestern USA Indiana    
Species 160 ~21 ~12 8 *

* The eight species in the table represent the species that have been documented as either native or naturalized in Indiana. Additional species and hybrids are found in the state in non-naturalized, landscape settings.

Additional Species

This page focuses primarily on Indiana's native species of maples, but Norway maple (Acer platanoides), which is naturalized, invasive and widespread is also included. Additional exotic maples do occur within the state, and in some cases, they have also been documented as being naturalized.


Hoosier Places and Names

Faunal Associates

Acer is important to many things

Known Insect Associates in Indiana ×
Family Taxonomic Name Common Name
Order: Coleoptera
BuprestidaeChrysobothris femorataflat-headed appletree borer
CerambycidaeActenodes acornisno common name
Anthophylax viridisno common name
Clytus ruricolano common name
Dryobius sexnotatussix-banded longhorn beetle
Encyclops caeruleaoak-bark scaler
Glycobius speciosussugar maple borer
Graphisurus trianguliferno common name
Molorchus bimaculatusno common name
Molorchus bimaculatus bimaculatusno common name
Smodicum cucujiformeFlat oak borer
Stenocorus schaumiimajestic long-horned beetle
Sternidius misellusno common name
Strangalia bicolorbicolored flower longhorn
Trigonarthris proximalittle hickory borer
Urgleptes querciflat-faced longhorn beetle
CurculionidaeCorthylus columbianusColumbian timber beetle
Phyllobius oblongusEuropean snout beetle
Xylosandrus germanus alnus ambrosia beetle
Xyloterinus polituspinhole borer
Order: Diptera
CecidomyiidaeAcericecis ocellarisocellate gall midge
Order: Hemiptera
AphididaeDrepanaphis acerifoliaepainted maple aphid
Drepanaphis spp.aphids
Neoprociphilus spp. aphids
Prociphilus tessellatuswoolly alder aphid
Pterocomma spp.aphids
CicadellidaeAlconeura macraleafhopper
Eratoneura spp.leafhoppers
CoccidaeNeopulvinaria innumerabiliscottony maple scale
MiridaeCoccobaphes frontiferno common name
Lygocoris spp.plant bug
Lygocoris vitticollisno common name
PentatomidaeHalyomorpha halysbrown marmorated stink bug
PseudococcidaePhenacoccus acericolamaple mealybug
Order: Hymenoptera
XiphydriidaeXiphydria maculatahorntail
Order: Lepidoptera
Apatelodidae Apatelodes torrefacta spotted apatelodes
CossidaePrionoxystus macmurtrei little carpenterworm moth
Zeuzera pyrinaleopard Moth
DepressariidaeMachimia tentoriferellagold-striped leaftier
Pseudothyatira cymatophoroidestufted thyatirin
Pseudothyatira cymatophoroidesTufted Thyatirin
ErebidaeOrgyia definitadefinite tussock moth
Pyrrharctia isabellaisabella tiger moth
GelechiidaeAnarsia lineatellapeach twig borer moth
Dichomeris ligulellapalmerworm moth
GeometridaeAncylis platananano common name
Antepione thisoariavariable antepione moth
Besma endropiariastraw besma moth
Besma quercivorariaoak besma moth
Cepphis armatariascallop moth
Cingilia catenariachain-dotted geometer moth
Cladara atrolituratascribbler moth
Eubaphe mendicathe beggar moth
Euchlaena irrarialeast-marked euchlaena moth
Euchlaena serratasaw-wing moth
Eutrapela clematariapurplish-brown looper/curve-toothed geometer
Glyptocera consobrinellano common name
Heterophleps triguttariathree-spotted fillip moth
Heterophleps triguttariaThree-spotted fillip
Lacanobia subjunctaspeckled cutworm
Lambdina fervidariacurve-lined looper
Lambdina fiscellariahemlock looper moth
Lomographa vestaliatawhite spring moth
Lycia ursariastout spanworm moth
Lytrosis unitariacommon lytrosis
Macaria notatabirch angle moth
Macaria pustularialesser maple spanworm
Melanolophia signatariasignate melanolophia
Metanema determinatadark metanema moth
Nemoria mimosaria white-fringed emerald
Pero hubnerariaHubner's pero
Plagodis alcoolariahollow-spotted plagodis
Plagodis fervidariafervid plagodis
Plagodis phlogosariastraight-lined plagodis
Plagodis pulverariaAmerican barred umber moth
Plagodis serinarialemon plagodis moth
Probole alienariaalien probole moth
Probole amicariafriendly probole moth
Prochoerodes lineolalarge maple spanworm moth
Protoboarmia porcelariaporcelain gray
Selenia alciphearianorthern selenia
Selenia kentariaKent's geometer
Speranza pustularialesser maple spanworm
Tetracis cachexiatawhite slate-line
Xanthotype sospetacrocus geometer moth
Xanthotype urticariafales crocus geometer moth
GracillariidaeCaloptilia bimaculatellano common name
Caloptilia packardellano common name
Caloptilia umbratellano common name
Cameraria aceriellamaple leaf blotch miner moth
Phyllonorycter clemensellano common name
Phyllonorycter lucidicostellalesser maple leaf blotch miner moth
Phyllonorycter trinotellano common name
IncurvariidaeParaclemensia acerifoliellamaple leafcutter moth
LasiocampidaeMalacosoma americanaeastern tent caterpillar
Phyllodesma americanalappet moth
Tolype velledalarge tolype
LimacodidaeAcharia stimuleasaddleback caterpillar moth
Euclea delphiniispiny oak slug
Isa textulacrowned slug moth
Lithacodes fasciolayellow-shouldered slug
Phobetron pitheciumhag moth
Prolimacodes badiaskiff moth
Tortricidia flexuosaabbreviated button slug
Tortricidia pallidared-crossed button slug
Lymantriidae Dasychira dorsipennatasharp-lined tussock moth
Dasychira obliquatastreaked tussock moth
Dasychira plagiatanorthern pine tussock moth
Dasychira vagansvariable tussock moth
MegalopygidaeMegalopyge crispatablack-waved flannel moth
NepticulidaeEtainia ochrefasciellahard maple budminer moth
Glaucolepis saccharellano common name
NoctuidaeAchatia distinctadistinct quaker
Acronicta dactylinafingered dagger moth
Acronicta funeralisfunerary dagger
Acronicta hastuliferafrosted dagger moth
Acronicta impletayellow-haired dagger moth
Acronicta inclaraunclear dagger
Acronicta interruptainterrupted dagger
Acronicta oblinitasmeared dagger
Acronicta retardataretarded dagger moth
Acronicta tristisno common name
Amphipyra pyramidoidescopper underwing
Apamea castaneayellow-headed cutworm moth
Catocala cerogamayellow-banded underwing moth
Colocasia flavicornisyellowhorn moth
Cydia candanano common name
Eucirroedia pampinascalloped sallow moth
Eupsilia sidussidus sallow moth
Euxoa auxiliarisarmy cutworm moth
Euxoa messoriareaper dart moth
Heterocampa guttivittasaddled prominent
Homorthodes furfuratanorthern scurfy quaker moth
Hypena baltimoralisBaltimore snout moth
Hypena scabragreen cloverworm
Lithophane innominatanameless pinion moth
Lithophane patefactadimorphic pinion moth
Lithophane semiustano common name
Lithophane unimodadowdy pinion moth
Melanchra adjunctahitched arches moth
Morrisonia confusaconfused woodgrain moth
Morrisonia latexfluid arches moth
Nadata gibbosawhite-dotted prominent
Orthosia garmaniGarman's quaker
Orthosia revictasubdued quaker
Orthosia rubescensruby Quaker
Papaipema furcataash tip borer
Papaipema nebrisstalk borer moth
Parallelia bistriarismaple looper moth
Polia nimbosastormy arches
Polia purpurissatapurple arches
Psaphida resumensfigure-eight sallow
Pseudohermonassa bicarneapink-spotted dart
Spiramater lutraotter spiramater moth
Sunira bicoloragobicolored sallow
Xestia c-nigrumlesser black-letter dart
Xestia dolosagreater black-letter dart
Xylena nuperaamerican swordgrass
Zale lunatalunate zale
Zale minereacolorful zale
NotodontidaeClostera inclusaangle-lined prominent moth
Herpetogramma pertextalisbold-feathered grass moth
Heterocampa biundatawavy-lined heterocampa
Heterocampa subrotatasmall heterocampa moth
Macrurocampa marthesiamottled prominent moth
Misogada unicolordrab prominent moth
Oligocentria semirufescensred-washed prominent
Peridea basitriensoval-based prominent
Peridea ferrugineachocolate prominent
Phlogophora periculosabrown angle shades
Schizura concinnared-humped caterpillar moth
Schizura unicornisunicorn caterpillar
Symmerista albifronswhite-headed prominent
Symmerista canicostared-humped oakworm
Symmerista leucitysorange-humped mapleworm
NymphalidaeNymphalis antiopamourning cloak
OecophoridaeAntaeotricha leucillanapale gray bird-dropping moth
Dafa formosellabeautiful epicallima moth
Psilocorsis cryptolechiellablack-fringed leaftier
Psilocorsis reflexelladotted leaftier
PantheidaeCharadra deridenslaugher moth
PapilionidaePapilio glaucuseastern tiger swallowtail
PyralidaeOreana unicolorellano common name
Pococera asperatellamaple webworm
SaturniidaeAnisota senatoriaorange-tipped oakworm moth
Anisota virginiensis pink-striped oakworm moth
Callosamia prometheapromethea moth
Citheronia regalisregal moth
SesiidaeCarmenta cornino common name
Synanthedon acernimaple callus borer
Synanthedon acerrubrimaple clearwing
SphingidaePaonias excaecatablinded sphinx
Tortricidae Archips cerasivoranaugly-nest caterpillar moth
Argyresthia subreticulataspeckled argyresthia moth
Argyrotaenia marianagray-banded leafroller moth
Argyrotaenia quercifolianayellow-winged oak leafroller moth
Argyrotaenia velutinanared-banded leafroller moth
Catastega aceriellamaple trumpet skeletonizer moth
Cenopis mesospilawhite-tailed fruitworm
Cenopis niveanaaproned cenopis
Choristoneura fractivittanabroken-banded leafroller moth
Choristoneura parallelaparellel-banded leafroller moth
Episimus tyriusmaple tip borer moth
Gypsonoma substitutionisno common name
Olethreutes appendiceumserviceberry leafroller moth
Olethreutes glacianano common name
Olethreutes nigranumvariable nigranum Moth
Pandemis lamprosanawoodgrain leafroller moth
Platynota flavedanablack-shaded platynota
Proteoteras moffatianamaple bud borer
Proteoteras naracanano common name
Pseudexentera spolianabare-patched leafroller
Pseudosciaphila duplexpoplar leafroller moth
Sonia canadanaCanadian sonia
Sparganothis reticulatanareticulated sparganothis
Order: Sciaroidea
CecidomyiidaeDasineura communisno common name
Order: Trombidiformes
EriophyidaeVasates aceriscrumenamaple spindlegall mite
Vasates quadripedesmaple bladdergall mite

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