Acer: Latin name for “maple tree.”
Acer is a genus of trees in the family Sapindaceae.
Distribution of Genus Acer | ||||
Taxonomic Level | Worldwide | North America | Midwestern USA | Indiana |
Species | 160 | ~21 | ~12 | 8 * |
* The eight species in the table represent the species that have been documented as either native or naturalized in Indiana. Additional species and hybrids are found in the state in non-naturalized, landscape settings.
This page focuses primarily on Indiana's native species of maples, but Norway maple (Acer platanoides), which is naturalized, invasive and widespread is also included. Additional exotic maples do occur within the state, and in some cases, they have also been documented as being naturalized.
Acer is important to many things
Known Insect Associates in Indiana × | ||
Family | Taxonomic Name | Common Name |
Order: Coleoptera | ||
Buprestidae | Chrysobothris femorata | flat-headed appletree borer |
Cerambycidae | Actenodes acornis | no common name |
Anthophylax viridis | no common name | |
Clytus ruricola | no common name | |
Dryobius sexnotatus | six-banded longhorn beetle | |
Encyclops caerulea | oak-bark scaler | |
Glycobius speciosus | sugar maple borer | |
Graphisurus triangulifer | no common name | |
Molorchus bimaculatus | no common name | |
Molorchus bimaculatus bimaculatus | no common name | |
Smodicum cucujiforme | Flat oak borer | |
Stenocorus schaumii | majestic long-horned beetle | |
Sternidius misellus | no common name | |
Strangalia bicolor | bicolored flower longhorn | |
Trigonarthris proxima | little hickory borer | |
Urgleptes querci | flat-faced longhorn beetle | |
Curculionidae | Corthylus columbianus | Columbian timber beetle |
Phyllobius oblongus | European snout beetle | |
Xylosandrus germanus | alnus ambrosia beetle | |
Xyloterinus politus | pinhole borer | |
Order: Diptera | ||
Cecidomyiidae | Acericecis ocellaris | ocellate gall midge |
Order: Hemiptera | ||
Aphididae | Drepanaphis acerifoliae | painted maple aphid |
Drepanaphis spp. | aphids | |
Neoprociphilus spp. | aphids | |
Prociphilus tessellatus | woolly alder aphid | |
Pterocomma spp. | aphids | |
Cicadellidae | Alconeura macra | leafhopper |
Eratoneura spp. | leafhoppers | |
Coccidae | Neopulvinaria innumerabilis | cottony maple scale |
Miridae | Coccobaphes frontifer | no common name |
Lygocoris spp. | plant bug | |
Lygocoris vitticollis | no common name | |
Pentatomidae | Halyomorpha halys | brown marmorated stink bug |
Pseudococcidae | Phenacoccus acericola | maple mealybug |
Order: Hymenoptera | ||
Xiphydriidae | Xiphydria maculata | horntail |
Order: Lepidoptera | ||
Apatelodidae | Apatelodes torrefacta | spotted apatelodes |
Cossidae | Prionoxystus macmurtrei | little carpenterworm moth |
Zeuzera pyrina | leopard Moth | |
Depressariidae | Machimia tentoriferella | gold-striped leaftier |
Pseudothyatira cymatophoroides | tufted thyatirin | |
Pseudothyatira cymatophoroides | Tufted Thyatirin | |
Erebidae | Orgyia definita | definite tussock moth |
Pyrrharctia isabella | isabella tiger moth | |
Gelechiidae | Anarsia lineatella | peach twig borer moth |
Dichomeris ligulella | palmerworm moth | |
Geometridae | Ancylis platanana | no common name |
Antepione thisoaria | variable antepione moth | |
Besma endropiaria | straw besma moth | |
Besma quercivoraria | oak besma moth | |
Cepphis armataria | scallop moth | |
Cingilia catenaria | chain-dotted geometer moth | |
Cladara atroliturata | scribbler moth | |
Eubaphe mendica | the beggar moth | |
Euchlaena irraria | least-marked euchlaena moth | |
Euchlaena serrata | saw-wing moth | |
Eutrapela clemataria | purplish-brown looper/curve-toothed geometer | |
Glyptocera consobrinella | no common name | |
Heterophleps triguttaria | three-spotted fillip moth | |
Heterophleps triguttaria | Three-spotted fillip | |
Lacanobia subjuncta | speckled cutworm | |
Lambdina fervidaria | curve-lined looper | |
Lambdina fiscellaria | hemlock looper moth | |
Lomographa vestaliata | white spring moth | |
Lycia ursaria | stout spanworm moth | |
Lytrosis unitaria | common lytrosis | |
Macaria notata | birch angle moth | |
Macaria pustularia | lesser maple spanworm | |
Melanolophia signataria | signate melanolophia | |
Metanema determinata | dark metanema moth | |
Nemoria mimosaria | white-fringed emerald | |
Pero hubneraria | Hubner's pero | |
Plagodis alcoolaria | hollow-spotted plagodis | |
Plagodis fervidaria | fervid plagodis | |
Plagodis phlogosaria | straight-lined plagodis | |
Plagodis pulveraria | American barred umber moth | |
Plagodis serinaria | lemon plagodis moth | |
Probole alienaria | alien probole moth | |
Probole amicaria | friendly probole moth | |
Prochoerodes lineola | large maple spanworm moth | |
Protoboarmia porcelaria | porcelain gray | |
Selenia alciphearia | northern selenia | |
Selenia kentaria | Kent's geometer | |
Speranza pustularia | lesser maple spanworm | |
Tetracis cachexiata | white slate-line | |
Xanthotype sospeta | crocus geometer moth | |
Xanthotype urticaria | fales crocus geometer moth | |
Gracillariidae | Caloptilia bimaculatella | no common name |
Caloptilia packardella | no common name | |
Caloptilia umbratella | no common name | |
Cameraria aceriella | maple leaf blotch miner moth | |
Phyllonorycter clemensella | no common name | |
Phyllonorycter lucidicostella | lesser maple leaf blotch miner moth | |
Phyllonorycter trinotella | no common name | |
Incurvariidae | Paraclemensia acerifoliella | maple leafcutter moth |
Lasiocampidae | Malacosoma americana | eastern tent caterpillar |
Phyllodesma americana | lappet moth | |
Tolype velleda | large tolype | |
Limacodidae | Acharia stimulea | saddleback caterpillar moth |
Euclea delphinii | spiny oak slug | |
Isa textula | crowned slug moth | |
Lithacodes fasciola | yellow-shouldered slug | |
Phobetron pithecium | hag moth | |
Prolimacodes badia | skiff moth | |
Tortricidia flexuosa | abbreviated button slug | |
Tortricidia pallida | red-crossed button slug | |
Lymantriidae | Dasychira dorsipennata | sharp-lined tussock moth |
Dasychira obliquata | streaked tussock moth | |
Dasychira plagiata | northern pine tussock moth | |
Dasychira vagans | variable tussock moth | |
Megalopygidae | Megalopyge crispata | black-waved flannel moth |
Nepticulidae | Etainia ochrefasciella | hard maple budminer moth |
Glaucolepis saccharella | no common name | |
Noctuidae | Achatia distincta | distinct quaker |
Acronicta dactylina | fingered dagger moth | |
Acronicta funeralis | funerary dagger | |
Acronicta hastulifera | frosted dagger moth | |
Acronicta impleta | yellow-haired dagger moth | |
Acronicta inclara | unclear dagger | |
Acronicta interrupta | interrupted dagger | |
Acronicta oblinita | smeared dagger | |
Acronicta retardata | retarded dagger moth | |
Acronicta tristis | no common name | |
Amphipyra pyramidoides | copper underwing | |
Apamea castanea | yellow-headed cutworm moth | |
Catocala cerogama | yellow-banded underwing moth | |
Colocasia flavicornis | yellowhorn moth | |
Cydia candana | no common name | |
Eucirroedia pampina | scalloped sallow moth | |
Eupsilia sidus | sidus sallow moth | |
Euxoa auxiliaris | army cutworm moth | |
Euxoa messoria | reaper dart moth | |
Heterocampa guttivitta | saddled prominent | |
Homorthodes furfurata | northern scurfy quaker moth | |
Hypena baltimoralis | Baltimore snout moth | |
Hypena scabra | green cloverworm | |
Lithophane innominata | nameless pinion moth | |
Lithophane patefacta | dimorphic pinion moth | |
Lithophane semiusta | no common name | |
Lithophane unimoda | dowdy pinion moth | |
Melanchra adjuncta | hitched arches moth | |
Morrisonia confusa | confused woodgrain moth | |
Morrisonia latex | fluid arches moth | |
Nadata gibbosa | white-dotted prominent | |
Orthosia garmani | Garman's quaker | |
Orthosia revicta | subdued quaker | |
Orthosia rubescens | ruby Quaker | |
Papaipema furcata | ash tip borer | |
Papaipema nebris | stalk borer moth | |
Parallelia bistriaris | maple looper moth | |
Polia nimbosa | stormy arches | |
Polia purpurissata | purple arches | |
Psaphida resumens | figure-eight sallow | |
Pseudohermonassa bicarnea | pink-spotted dart | |
Spiramater lutra | otter spiramater moth | |
Sunira bicolorago | bicolored sallow | |
Xestia c-nigrum | lesser black-letter dart | |
Xestia dolosa | greater black-letter dart | |
Xylena nupera | american swordgrass | |
Zale lunata | lunate zale | |
Zale minerea | colorful zale | |
Notodontidae | Clostera inclusa | angle-lined prominent moth |
Herpetogramma pertextalis | bold-feathered grass moth | |
Heterocampa biundata | wavy-lined heterocampa | |
Heterocampa subrotata | small heterocampa moth | |
Macrurocampa marthesia | mottled prominent moth | |
Misogada unicolor | drab prominent moth | |
Oligocentria semirufescens | red-washed prominent | |
Peridea basitriens | oval-based prominent | |
Peridea ferruginea | chocolate prominent | |
Phlogophora periculosa | brown angle shades | |
Schizura concinna | red-humped caterpillar moth | |
Schizura unicornis | unicorn caterpillar | |
Symmerista albifrons | white-headed prominent | |
Symmerista canicosta | red-humped oakworm | |
Symmerista leucitys | orange-humped mapleworm | |
Nymphalidae | Nymphalis antiopa | mourning cloak |
Oecophoridae | Antaeotricha leucillana | pale gray bird-dropping moth |
Dafa formosella | beautiful epicallima moth | |
Psilocorsis cryptolechiella | black-fringed leaftier | |
Psilocorsis reflexella | dotted leaftier | |
Pantheidae | Charadra deridens | laugher moth |
Papilionidae | Papilio glaucus | eastern tiger swallowtail |
Pyralidae | Oreana unicolorella | no common name |
Pococera asperatella | maple webworm | |
Saturniidae | Anisota senatoria | orange-tipped oakworm moth |
Anisota virginiensis | pink-striped oakworm moth | |
Callosamia promethea | promethea moth | |
Citheronia regalis | regal moth | |
Sesiidae | Carmenta corni | no common name |
Synanthedon acerni | maple callus borer | |
Synanthedon acerrubri | maple clearwing | |
Sphingidae | Paonias excaecata | blinded sphinx |
Tortricidae | Archips cerasivorana | ugly-nest caterpillar moth |
Argyresthia subreticulata | speckled argyresthia moth | |
Argyrotaenia mariana | gray-banded leafroller moth | |
Argyrotaenia quercifoliana | yellow-winged oak leafroller moth | |
Argyrotaenia velutinana | red-banded leafroller moth | |
Catastega aceriella | maple trumpet skeletonizer moth | |
Cenopis mesospila | white-tailed fruitworm | |
Cenopis niveana | aproned cenopis | |
Choristoneura fractivittana | broken-banded leafroller moth | |
Choristoneura parallela | parellel-banded leafroller moth | |
Episimus tyrius | maple tip borer moth | |
Gypsonoma substitutionis | no common name | |
Olethreutes appendiceum | serviceberry leafroller moth | |
Olethreutes glaciana | no common name | |
Olethreutes nigranum | variable nigranum Moth | |
Pandemis lamprosana | woodgrain leafroller moth | |
Platynota flavedana | black-shaded platynota | |
Proteoteras moffatiana | maple bud borer | |
Proteoteras naracana | no common name | |
Pseudexentera spoliana | bare-patched leafroller | |
Pseudosciaphila duplex | poplar leafroller moth | |
Sonia canadana | Canadian sonia | |
Sparganothis reticulatana | reticulated sparganothis | |
Order: Sciaroidea | ||
Cecidomyiidae | Dasineura communis | no common name |
Order: Trombidiformes | ||
Eriophyidae | Vasates aceriscrumena | maple spindlegall mite |
Vasates quadripedes | maple bladdergall mite |