Abbottii: Named for John Abbott (1751-1840), a well known American naturalist who focused on ornithology and entomology.
Sfec-ODE-in-uh Ah-bot-ee-eye
Documented Occurrences
This map shows the confirmed sightings of the Abbott's Sphinx in Indiana. All sightings were confirmed through photographic documentation by individuals who contributed to the Great American IN Nature Lepidoptera Project (GAIN LP).
This moth makes a buzzing noise, mimicking a bee as it feeds which, is thought to be a defensive mechanism to avoid predation.
Conservation Status
Global status: G5 (secure)
National status: N5 (secure)
Indiana status: NR (not ranked)
Floral Associates
Abbott's Sphinx caterpillars are primarily specialists of plants in the Grape (Vitaceae) family, but one source also lists Hawthorn (Crataegus spp.) as a host species. Adults nectar from flowers, tree sap, and nutrient puddles.
Known Larval Food Sources in Indiana
Taxonomic Name
Common Name
Order: Rosales
Crataegus spp.
Order: Vitales
Ampelopsis spp.
peppervine, aka porcelainberry
Parthenocissus spp.
Virginia creeper and woodbine
Vitis spp.
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